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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

The 10/24/7+Review

Last year I followed a blog of a teacher who was a consultant for Scholastic. He had some really great ideas and one thing he really focused on was brain research. I have included a clip of his classroom for you to view that shows some of these ideas in action.

The brain stores two kinds of memories, in two different ways. One is spatial/experiential memory. This kind of memory is very easy and automatic. For example, you do not have to memorize the location of each desk in your classroom by doing flashcards. Your brain sees them and makes a mental note of the arrangement of the desks in space. Likewise you don't have to memorize how you felt the time you thought you lost a child on a field trip. You automatically remember the feeling.
The second type of memory is rote memory. This is the type of stuff you must rehearse and memorize to get it to stick. Multiplication tables and state capitals fall into this category. Try to have students experience and visualize vocabulary words to make them more memorable.
This post contains a video demonstration of the word wall review game. Brain image courtesy of

When a student is learning something new, you can follow the 10/24/7+ Rule.  After you teach a concept, you review it ten minutes later, 24 hours later, 7 days later, and periodically after that. It can take years to process a memory, according to John Medina. To hardwire the neurons in the brain, you must review the information on a regular basis. The phrase use it or lose it could not be more true. You can apply the neuroscience research described by John Medina in the link above by playing a vocabulary game with the words on your classroom word wall each Friday. This game encourages maximum engagement, requires teamwork, and can be modified to challenge all levels of learners.
  • I teach the vocabulary words with a short definition and a motion, if possible. 
  • The words are added to the word wall, which is color coded by subject.
  • An index card for each word on the word wall is made.
  • Each day you can spend a few minutes reviewing the word wall words with partners or as a class. Sometimes you could do all science words or you could just do the first few letters of the alphabet. Whatever you can cover in about two to four minutes. Try to cover the entire wall once a week. Variation: Have this as one of your student jobs "The Word Wall Director." This saves a little bit of time for the teacher and allows the class to be more student centered. 
Video of word wall game:
  • Materials: Object to throw (something soft), index cards, stopwatch, and a bell.
  • Students sit in a circle so everyone can see each other.
  • Students each take an index card with a word wall word on it. They place it face down in front of them.
  • Nobody is allowed to talk, but hand gestures are okay. Talking incurs a ten second penalty.
  •  The teacher will flip over a card and show it to the class and read it.  Start the timer.
  • Any students who know the definition will raise their hands. The teacher will toss the object to one of these students, who states the definition of the word just read aloud. The student keeps talking about the word until they hear a bell. 
  • The teacher will sound the bell when the student has given enough information to prove they know what the word is. 
  • Upon hearing the bell, that student flips over his card. He reads the word. Hands go up. The ball is tossed to a student who has not had a turn yet. 
  • Once a student gives a definition, they may not give another one (unless it is the last card).  They may, however, continue to make gestures to help their peers, so all students can be involved all the time.
  • Play continues until every student has his card flipped over. 
  • The timer is stopped when the last card is answered. The last card can be  answered by any student. 
Post Game
  • Talk about what worked and what didn't work for the team.
  • Brainstorm strategies that could shave seconds off our time to set a new record. 
Keep It Fresh
  • Keep it novel by allowing each student to take two or three cards as the year progresses and the word wall gets full.
  • Students that are higher achievers can be challenged by asking them follow up questions. For example: If the word is "legislative," you expect students to say, "the branch of government that makes the laws."  To challenge some students, you will ask follow up questions in a very rapid manner: "What are the two houses in the legislative branch? How many senators are there? How did they arrive at the number 100?" Then I will ding the bell and let them off the hook. 
  • Some students will struggle despite the best gestures from their peers. Never let them pass the football to another teammate, though. Give them leading questions or words to help them.
  • You could have the students leave their cards face up for a few minutes before the game starts, to allow them time to review the words before they flip the cards upside down and start the game.
  • Too many gestures can cause confusion.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Common Core Books

We have purchased flip charts for all grades and we are expecting them to come in soon! Read below to find out what the resource consists of!!

The Common Core: Clarifying Expectations for Teachers & Students is a powerful new tool for facilitating the implementation of the Common Core State Standards at the district, building, and classroom level. Offered in English Language Arts and Math grades K-12, Literacy in Social Studies/History, Science & Technical Subject grades 6-12

Each book:
  • Includes all English Language Arts and Math CCSS standards for the grade level in a convenient 8½ x 5½ inch flip book
  • Clarifies learning expectations for both teachers and students with suggested
  • Enduring Understandings
  • Essential Questions
  • Learning Targets
  • Vocabulary
  • Fosters quality formative and summative assessment, descriptive feedback, and student involvement.
The Common Core - Clarifying Expectations for Teachers and Students English Language Arts

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Math Enrichment

This is a great site to use with students who are your high acheivers and can move on independently to other concepts. Lessons and videos start out as basic as adding and subtracting and progress beyond the elementary curriculum. The library consists of over 2,400 videos and 125 practice exercises! It does require a google account login so students and teachers can track progress.  This is well worth the time to look into!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Resources For Your Classroom

The beginning of the school year is always hectic and it is hard to get back into the routine! I have included a few things that you could send home with parents this week and some resources to use and view as we move into a year of many changes!

The following site has information by grade level to send home to parents in response to the Common Core Standards.

KET and the Kentucky Department of Education, through their joint e-Learning Kentucky grant, have launched Transforming Education in Kentucky: A free, media-rich introduction to Senate Bill 1. Seven informational interactive modules are designed for educators, students and parents who want to understand the educational effects of 2009’s Senate Bill 1 (SB 1) (KRS 158.6453 and others). Each module includes readings, videos and interactive exercises. Very informative! I watched each of these a little at a time and that really helped.